Vanilla Lavender

I didn’t like lavender for the longest time, but then all of the sudden I did and now I use it all the time! It’s really no surprise I decided to give it a try in this iced matcha latte. I’m so happy with this concoction and think you’re going to love the aromatic and calming effect of this iced matcha latte! this recipe

Why Matcha?

I still love coffee, there’s no denying it! I mean how can you not love coffee? Am I right?! However, coffee definitely seems to irritate my stomach if I drink it everyday, so that is why I began my affair with matcha! The more I started to drink matcha, the more I fell in love with the earthy green tea. I don’t get jittery, sweaty or have the afternoon crash like I experienced in the past when drinking coffee regularly. My stomach also feels a lot better, too. So basically, all around things are better when I limit my coffee intake, and I’ve found matcha to be quite enjoyable!

Versatility Of Matcha

At first, matcha felt like my second choice, but then I started to realize it is quite versatile. You can really play with the flavors a lot to keep it fresh and exciting. Now, I rarely have the exact same matcha latte more than two days in a row. Sometimes I make it savory by adding bone broth and other times a little sweeter sounds good. I think for the summertime and making iced matcha lattes, sweeter sounds a little better to me. I use pure maple syrup or local raw honey to sweeten. Stick with pure maple syrup if you’re making your iced matcha latte Vegan.

Some Other Beverages To Try

Your Turn To Try Our Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte

Already a matcha latte fan, but haven’t played much with the flavors yet? Go ahead and give this vanilla lavender iced matcha latte a try! It’s calming, smooth and a little sweet. Leave a comment to let us know what you think. Also, take a picture and tag us on Instagram @realsimplegood, so we can check it out! Give us a follow if you don’t already, so we can stay connected!


Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 98Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 2Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 68Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 82Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 29Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 11Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 9Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 70Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 83Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 9Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 56Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 59Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 13Vanilla Lavender Iced Matcha Latte  Paleo  Vegan   Refined Sugar Free  - 94