As much as I love pancakes, I never seem to end up making them on pancake day! Pancakes are weekend food, when the children and I can take our time making and eating lovely big piles of fluffy pancakes. Even better if we have time to experiment. Pancakes with:

Creamy lemon sauce and sharp bites of pomegranate Lightly cooked berries with cheesecake cream Potatoes, chorizo and chilli-garlic butter

I’ve even got one of those crepe-plates. Our kitchen is a right old mess after using that one, but the sense of achievement when we actually make a perfectly formed French crepe filled with Nutella and banana slices? It’s almost too good to eat (yeah right, like I’d ever look at something rather than eat it!).

I thought I’d try something new today in preparation for pancake day. Oven-cooked dutch pancakes! Rather like a giant Yorkshire pudding – except it’s cooked in butter instead of dripping, and it has a touch of sweetness to it. They’re the perfect pancake when you all want to eat together, rather than the huddle around the kitchen, waiting in line for the next pancake to come off the griddle. They look impressive too – huge towering things, just waiting to be filled with whatever takes your fancy.

  Let’s just say I’ve eaten a fair amount of pancakes this week…..

The Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce Recipe:

Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 45Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 75Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 11Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 91Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 89Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 12Oven Cooked Dutch Pancake with Easy Blueberry sauce - 90