The oaty chocolate hot smoothie from last week seemed pretty popular, so I was considering another creamy one for this week…. However, I just couldn’t resist a bright orange smoothie for Halloween! If you were hoping for a creamy one, then I’ll make it up to you next week.  I was supposed to finish this series in October, but I’m enjoying it so much I’m going to do a bonus one next week. You’re probably squinting whilst looking at the picture right? Yes this Orange Carrot and Ginger Hot smoothie is eyewateringly orange with a capital ‘O’ in colour, and it’s got the ‘bang! time to wake up’ flavour to match. It’s really simple to pull together - no ingredients that you can only get from a health store.  A combination of hot water, orange, ginger, carrot and lemon, with a spoonful of honey to sweeten it up just a little.  This smoothie is high on the vitamin A and C to help protect you from those early winter colds. Just before I carry on with the recipe, a reminder of the words of warning from my previous hot smoothie posts. Don’t fill your smoothie maker up with boiling liquid.  It’s either going to shatter the glass (if you have a glass jug) or it’s going to come wushing out with a tonne of pressure when you open the lid after whizzing things up.  Check your smoothie maker or blender can take warm or hot liquids.  This recipe calls for a little of the hot water to be mixed with cold water before blending.  Then add the rest of the hot water at the end.

The Orange Carrot and Ginger Hot smoothie Recipe:

  Nutritional info obtained from

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