My homemade creamy gnocchi gorgonzola with spinach will take your taste buds on a blissful journey. Today’s recipe post is making my mouth water. I’ve never been as excited to share a dish as I am now, nothing beats the mouthful experience of the pillowy potato dumpling nicely coated with gorgonzola creamy sauce. It is that good!  For a start, you will never catch me dead eating gorgonzola cheese on its own and I am sure I am not alone on this. Gather here if you have reservations for blue cheese or any moldy cheese as such. I know, I can’t be alone! If you love creamy pasta recipes then you will love my homemade creamy cajun chicknen pasta and spinach and ricotta pasta recipe Gorgonzola cheese: the star of today’s recipe, you will never see it in the same light after today, it is so good you will have to stop yourself from eating it every time. Half and half: this is also known as single cream, you can always use heavy cream if you want, I choose half and half for a healthier option. Substitute with heavy cream Butter: this can be salted or unsalted, make sure to adjust the salt accordingly if you will be using salted butter. substitute butter with olive oil Toasted walnut: for that extra crunch and nutty flavor, more importantly, it complements the gorgonzola sauce beautifully Garlic: lots of it, I used 4 large garlic cloves for this recipe Onions Italian seasoning: substitute with herbs de Provence or my homemade potato seasoning. Fresh baby spinach: for a pop of green and some healthiness in your dish Salt and black pepper In a skillet over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the chopped onions and saute until softened and fragrant, add the chopped garlic to the softened onions and continue to saute for another minute or two. Do keep an eye so that the garlic does not burn Pour half and half and the chicken stock into the pan then season with black pepper, Italian seasoning and stir to combine. Reduce the heat and bring the sauce to a gentle simmer for about 2-3 minutes. Stir in cubed gorgonzola cheese to the simmering sauce, and mix until melted and combined. The creamy sauce should be slightly reduced at this point. Add the boiled gnocchi to the gorgonzola sauce and stir to combine, Stir in the fresh baby spinach and mix until wilted. Taste and adjust salt and black pepper to taste.

How to store and reheat gorgonzola gnocchi

Gorgonzola gnocchi is best served fresh, however, if you have any leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days. To reheat, add a splash of water or milk to aid reheating, then microwave for a minute or two. Alternatively, you can reheat in a skillet over medium heat until warmed through. Enjoy! Air fryer chicken thighs Air fryer salmon Garlic butter chicken bites Steak bites and many more

Can I add bacon to this recipe

You could add bacon to this recipe if you would like, however, it is not necessary. The recipe already has a lot of flavor from the gorgonzola and the other ingredients. Adding bacon may make it too salty and you may also be adding unnecessary calories to an already rich dish.

What can I substitute for gnocchi

Gnocchi can be substituted with cauliflower gnocchi or pasta. If you are using pasta, make sure to use a shape that will hold the sauce well.

Gnocchi vs pasta

This is a simple debate, gnocchi and pasta are not the same, although they can be used interchangeably in recipes if you fancy. Gnocchi is made with potato and flour, while pasta is made with flour and eggs.

What is gorgonzola

Gorgonzola cheese is a type of blue mold cheese that is made with cow’s milk. It has a mildly pungent flavor and a creamy texture and a sweet taste. The cheese is usually aged for about 2-3 months. It originated from the Gorgonzola region of Lombardy, Italy. Gorgonzola cheese is gluten-free and made from pasteurized milk. Search for this cheese on the cheese aisle, usually near you will find deli meat and other cheeses.

More gnocchi recipes you will love

Pan-fried gnocchi with spinach Gnocchi bolognese Gnocchi with tomato sauce Did you try this easy creamy gnocchi recipe? Don’t forget to leave me feedback. Tag me @thedinnerbite on Instagram and save away to your Pinterest. Please subscribe to the blog if you haven’t for free new recipes in your inbox.

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