But these donuts are truly exceptional because they taste like a traditional donut you ate while growing up as a kid. The texture is spot on—super tender and light. So, I figured it was time to try my hand at making them at home. I went one step further and made my version gluten-free, so everyone could enjoy them.

Use a Donut Pan to Make Homemade Donuts

These are baked donuts (as opposed to fried) and while I generally try not to write recipes that require special equipment, you do need a donut pan to pull these off. That said, donut pans are relatively inexpensive and are widely stocked at kitchen supply stores and online outlets—I used Wilton’s Donut Pan for this recipe. Once you’ve got your donut pan, you’re well on your way to tender, fragrant chocolaty morning donuts!

How to Make Vegan, Gluten-Free Donuts

A few things to know before making this recipe: I use coconut oil for this recipe because I love its sweet, natural fragrance and think it pairs really well with chocolate. That said, you can use any oil you’d like. Do be sure that your coconut oil is completely melted but not hot. After you warm the oil and it becomes liquid, let it sit at room temperature to cool for a good ten minutes. This ensures that once you add it to the other liquid ingredients, the mixture will remain smooth. Use any non-dairy milk that you like and warm it up before mixing into the batter. I like soy or oat milk for this recipe. If you use it straight from the refrigerator while it’s cold, there’s a chance that your coconut oil will seize due to the temperature difference between the two liquids. It’s best if the milk and the oil are the same temperature. If you’ve never baked gluten-free before, I highly recommend using Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 Gluten Free Baking Flour Blend for this recipe. If you’re using a different blend, double-check the ingredients. If it doesn’t contain xanthan gum (or another binding ingredient like guar gum or psyllium husks), I recommend adding 1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum to ensure success. This batter is quite thick and sticky, so you’ll need to spoon the dough into the donut molds and then press it in each mold with your fingertips. Do your best to smooth out the tops – they’ll ultimately be the bottom of the donut so if they’re a little ugly it’s not the end of the world.

Best Eaten Same Day

These donuts are really best eaten the day they’re made, so invite a few friends over this weekend, and settle in for a cozy breakfast together. The donuts have a mild cocoa flavor and a lovely, light texture, and the glaze packs a rich, chocolaty punch. If you are seeking a slightly indulgent morning or brunch treat, look no further.

More Great Gluten-Free Treats!

Gluten-Free Chocolate Banana Cupcakes Nut-free “Peanut Butter” Chocolate Chip Cookies Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Muffins Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie Gluten-Free Fudgy Chocolate Brownies

Note that the FDA does list coconut as a tree nut, though many people with tree nut allergies are fine with coconut. If you’re not sure if the person or people eating your cookies has a tree nut allergy that includes coconut, check with them before making this recipe, or substitute another fat in place of the coconut oil (we recommend butter if there are no dairy allergies, or vegan EarthBalance if there are). Add 2 tablespoons of non-dairy milk and whisk well. You’re looking for a smooth, pourable glaze. If your glaze is too thick, add additional non-dairy milk one tablespoon at a time until you reach the desired consistency.