I don’t have a fireplace in my apartment. I mean I do, but it’s a decorative one. The kind where you press a switch and two or three tiny flat flames flicker with less glow than most night lights. It certainly doesn’t heat the room worth a darn either. A good fire with family is probably what I miss most about not being with them this year. These cookies are a comfort though. They snap, crunch, and pop like a good fire, and lots of cinnamon gives them plenty of warmth. In fact, if you could taste and savor a Christmas fire on your tongue, I’m willing to bet it would taste like these cinnamon snap cookies. Remember, the best way to enjoy these to share them with family. If they aren’t there then send some in the mail and enjoy them together over the phone.

Looking for More Christmas Cookies?!

Our 25 Best Holiday Cookies Walnut Snowball Cookies Chocolate Crinkles Candy Cane Cookies Peppermint Bark Chocolate Cookies

Want to see ALL of our Christmas Cookies? Go here!
The cookies will puff up a bit and remain soft once out of the oven. Don’t worry as they will become crisp as they cool.