The cookie/biscuit I make most often is hands-down the amaretto-spiked amaretti. Naturally gluten-free, they’re crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. I love making a big batch so that I have a large jar full when guests visit. They keep for weeks too - although they generally don’t last that long! Although I still LOOOOVE the original cookies, I wanted to make a Christmassy version - so of course my brain automatically went to cranberries!! Add some chocolate in there too and you’ve got an easy Christmas treat, or even a gift, if you’re will to give them away…… This is my second time experimenting with the original recipe. The first time was my attempt at an egg-free version - using aquafaba (the liquid from canned chickpeas) as an egg replacement. Sounds a little gross, and I wasn’t convinced when the whisked up aquafaba had a smell of cooked beans to it, but that soon disappeared when they were mixed with the other ingredients. I didn’t blog the recipe for that one, as they ended up pretty flat. They still tasted great (although a little sweeter than the original ones), but a flat cookie is not a pretty thing. A bit more experimentation need on that one I think! My chocolate cranberry version turned out perfectly though! Still gluten free, still crisp-yet-chewy. I also tried a version with Whisky instead of amaretto - and yep, that enhanced the Christmas flavour even more!! A little note if you decide to make these - please use store-bought ground almonds (or almond flour I think it’s called if you’re in the US. It’s made from skinless ground almonds and has a slightly grainy texture). I’ve found that the texture of the cookies can vary considerably if using home-ground almonds. I believe it’s to do with the amount of oil released during the grinding process. It’s also really important to make sure the mixture is a thick, sticky paste before you pour the amaretto in there, then just pour the amaretto in a dribble at a time to make sure the mixture remains thick and sticky. It needs to be roll-able - so that might mean adding a little less amaretto in there (you could replace with a few drops of french almond extract if you prefer). If you’re not sure, take a look at the video for my original recipe on my You Tube channel -  that should give you a good idea of the consistency required. Once you know the texture you need, these Chocolate Cranberry Amaretti Cookies are so easy - you’ll be making them again and again!  If you don’t like chocolate try my original version here.

More Chrismas Baking Ideas

I love baking cakes and treats, especially at Christmas.


In order to make these delicious Chocolate Cranberry Amaretti Cookies you will need:

A Mixer.  We bought this Kitchen Aid Mixer and absolutely love it!Shallow white bowls.  For rolling the cookie mixture in.Silicone Baking MatMeasuring SpoonsWooden or Silicon Coated SpatulaMeasuring JugAn airtight jar to store them in.  I use these Kilner Jars.

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